30 Idioms for Good

In the vast tapestry of the English language, idioms add vibrant hues to everyday expressions. Imagine a world where language is not just a tool for communication but also a playground of creativity.

Today, we dive into a pool of idioms specifically tailored for good feelings. Let’s unravel the joyous dance of words that bring out the best emotions, taking us on a linguistic journey that’s anything but mundane.

idioms for Good

idioms for Good

On Cloud Nine

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a state of great happiness or contentment.

In a Sentence: “After acing the exam, Sarah was on cloud nine for days, savoring the sweet taste of success.”

In the Pink

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe good health or well-being.

In a Sentence: “Despite the long hike, John felt in the pink, thanks to his regular exercise routine.”

Feeling Chipper

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of cheerfulness or good spirits.

In a Sentence: “Even on Mondays, Lisa is feeling chipper, spreading positivity with her infectious smile.”

On Top of the World

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of great happiness or success.

In a Sentence: “Winning the championship made Jake feel on top of the world, his hard work paying off.”

Full of Beans

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe someone who is energetic or lively.

In a Sentence: “Despite the long day at work, Mark is always full of beans, ready for an evening jog.”

On a Roll

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a period of success or good fortune.

In a Sentence: “After landing the new client, the company is on a roll, celebrating a string of victories.”

In High Spirits

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of cheerfulness or happiness.

In a Sentence: “As the weekend approached, the group was in high spirits, anticipating a fun-filled getaway.”

In Seventh Heaven

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a state of great happiness or contentment.

In a Sentence: “After receiving the surprise gift, Emily felt like she was in seventh heaven, overwhelmed with joy.”

In the Saddle

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a position of control or leadership.

In a Sentence: “With the promotion, James found himself in the saddle, steering the team toward success.”

In Good Form

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe someone who is performing well or in good health.

In a Sentence: “Despite the age, Grandma is always in good form, keeping up with the youngsters.”

In the Pink of Health

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe someone who is in excellent physical condition.

In a Sentence: “After years of regular exercise, Tom is in the pink of health, enjoying an active lifestyle.”

On Top of Things

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe someone who is well-organized and in control.

In a Sentence: “With a meticulously planned agenda, Jane is always on top of things at work.”

On a High

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of great happiness or excitement.

In a Sentence: “Winning the lottery left Susan on a high, celebrating the unexpected windfall.”

In High Gear

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a state of increased activity or intensity.

In a Sentence: “As the project deadline approached, the team kicked into high gear, working around the clock.”

In the Groove

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe someone who is performing well or in a state of flow.

In a Sentence: “With the rhythm of the music, Sarah got into the groove, effortlessly dancing the night away.”

Bouncing off the Walls

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe someone who is excessively energetic or hyperactive.

In a Sentence: “After a few cups of coffee, Jack was bouncing off the walls, his energy levels skyrocketing.”

On a Roll (Again!)

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a period of success or good fortune.

In a Sentence: “Seems like the winning streak continues; the team is on a roll once more!”

A Breath of Fresh Air

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe something or someone that is refreshing or new.

In a Sentence: “Meeting Jane was like a breath of fresh air, injecting new perspectives into the stale routine.”

A Piece of Cake

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe something that is very easy or simple.

In a Sentence: “Completing the puzzle was a piece of cake for the seasoned crossword enthusiast.”

A Breeze

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe something that is very easy or straightforward.

In a Sentence: “Navigating through the city was a breeze with the help of the GPS.”

A Walk in the Park

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe something that is very easy or enjoyable.

In a Sentence: “With the sun shining, the picnic felt like a walk in the park, pure bliss.”

In the Zone

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a state of focus or concentration.

In a Sentence: “As the artist painted, she was in the zone, oblivious to the world around her.”

In High Spirits (Again!)

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of cheerfulness or happiness.

In a Sentence: “The festive atmosphere had everyone in high spirits, laughing and enjoying the celebration.”

Feeling Blue

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of sadness or melancholy.

In a Sentence: “After the breakup, Sarah couldn’t shake off the feeling of feeling blue.”

Feeling Green

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe feelings of envy or jealousy.

In a Sentence: “Watching her friends succeed, Lily couldn’t help but feel a bit green with envy.”

Feeling Under the Weather

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe feeling sick or unwell.

In a Sentence: “After catching a cold, John was feeling under the weather and decided to stay home.”

Feeling Your Oats

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of exuberance or vitality.

In a Sentence: “After a good night’s sleep, the athletes were feeling their oats, ready for the upcoming competition.”

Feeling Down in the Dumps

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe a feeling of sadness or depression.

In a Sentence: “Missing the family gathering, Tom was feeling down in the dumps during the holiday season.”

Feeling the Weight of the World on Your Shoulders

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

In a Sentence: “With deadlines looming, Jack felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, juggling multiple tasks.”

Feeling Like a Million Bucks

Meaning: This idiom is used to describe feeling very good or confident.

In a Sentence: “After the successful presentation, Amy was feeling like a million bucks, radiating confidence.”


IdiomMeaning/UsageExample Sentence
On cloud nineState of great happiness or contentmentAfter acing the exam, Sarah was on cloud nine for days, savoring the sweet taste of success.
In the pinkGood health or well-beingDespite the long hike, John felt in the pink, thanks to his regular exercise routine.
Feeling chipperFeeling of cheerfulness or good spiritsEven on Mondays, Lisa is feeling chipper, spreading positivity with her infectious smile.
On top of the worldFeeling of great happiness or successWinning the championship made Jake feel on top of the world, his hard work paying off.
Full of beansEnergetic or livelyDespite the long day at work, Mark is always full of beans, ready for an evening jog.
On a rollPeriod of success or good fortuneAfter landing the new client, the company is on a roll, celebrating a string of victories.
In high spiritsFeeling of cheerfulness or happinessAs the weekend approached, the group was in high spirits, anticipating a fun-filled getaway.
In seventh heavenState of great happiness or contentmentAfter receiving the surprise gift, Emily felt like she was in seventh heaven, overwhelmed with joy.
In the saddlePosition of control or leadershipWith the promotion, James found himself in the saddle, steering the team toward success.
In good formPerforming well or in good healthDespite the age, Grandma is always in good form, keeping up with the youngsters.
In the pink of healthIn excellent physical conditionAfter years of regular exercise, Tom is in the pink of health, enjoying an active lifestyle.
On top of thingsWell-organized and in controlWith a meticulously planned agenda, Jane is always on top of things at work.
On a highFeeling of great happiness or excitementWinning the lottery left Susan on a high, celebrating the unexpected windfall.
In high gearState of increased activity or intensityAs the project deadline approached, the team kicked into high gear, working around the clock.
In the groovePerforming well or in a state of flowWith the rhythm of the music, Sarah got into the groove, effortlessly dancing the night away.
Bouncing off the wallsExcessively energetic or hyperactiveAfter a few cups of coffee, Jack was bouncing off the walls, his energy levels skyrocketing.
A breath of fresh airSomething or someone that is refreshing or newMeeting Jane was like a breath of fresh air, injecting new perspectives into the stale routine.
A piece of cakeSomething that is very easy or simpleCompleting the puzzle was a piece of cake for the seasoned crossword enthusiast.
A breezeSomething that is very easy or straightforwardNavigating through the city was a breeze with the help of the GPS.
A walk in the parkSomething that is very easy or enjoyableWith the sun shining, the picnic felt like a walk in the park, pure bliss.
In the zoneState of focus or concentrationAs the artist painted, she was in the zone, oblivious to the world around her.
Feeling blueFeeling of sadness or melancholyAfter the breakup, Sarah couldn’t shake off the feeling of feeling blue.
Feeling greenFeelings of envy or jealousyWatching her friends succeed, Lily couldn’t help but feel a bit green with envy.
Feeling under the weatherFeeling sick or unwellAfter catching a cold, John was feeling under the weather and decided to stay home.
Feeling your oatsFeeling of exuberance or vitalityAfter a good night’s sleep, the athletes were feeling their oats, ready for the upcoming competition.
Feeling down in the dumpsFeeling of sadness or depressionMissing the family gathering, Tom was feeling down in the dumps during the holiday season.
Feeling the weight of the world on your shouldersFeeling overwhelmed or stressedWith deadlines looming, Jack felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, juggling multiple tasks.
Feeling like a million bucksFeeling very good or confidentAfter the successful presentation, Amy was feeling like a million bucks, radiating confidence.


In the tapestry of language, idioms weave a unique pattern of expression, allowing us to convey complex emotions with simplicity and flair. The idioms for good feelings explored here are like a treasure trove of linguistic gems, reflecting the diverse ways we experience joy, success, and contentment.

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