30 Idioms for Small

From small fries to little white lies, these expressions paint a vivid picture of the intricacies hidden in everyday conversations.

So, buckle up as we take a delightful stroll through the miniature landscapes of language, where every phrase carries a story of its own.

30 idioms for small

Idioms for Small

Small Fry

Meaning: Refers to a person or thing of little importance or significance.

In a Sentence: Though he was just a small fry in the corporate world, his innovative ideas made a big impact.

Small Potatoes

Meaning: Denotes something insignificant or unimportant.

In a Sentence: Compared to the global issues at hand, our petty arguments seem like small potatoes.

Drop in the Bucket

Meaning: A tiny, insignificant amount compared to a larger whole.

In a Sentence: Donating a dollar felt like a drop in the bucket, but every bit helps.

A Dime a Dozen

Meaning: Common and easily found; not unique or valuable.

In a Sentence: In this digital age, talented writers seem like a dime a dozen on social media platforms.


Meaning: Something small, easily digestible, or in a condensed form.

In a Sentence: The professor broke down complex theories into bite-sized explanations for the students.


Meaning: Compact and small enough to fit in one’s pocket.

In a Sentence: The new smartphone boasts a powerful camera in a pocket-sized design.

Small Change

Meaning: A negligible amount of money or something insignificant.

In a Sentence: Winning the lottery would be life-changing, but finding a penny on the street is just small change.


Meaning: Refers to a very small amount of money or something of little value.

In a Sentence: The cost of repairing the old car turned out to be peanuts compared to buying a new one.

Short End of the Stick

Meaning: Receiving less than one deserves or getting a disadvantageous outcome.

In a Sentence: Being assigned the short end of the stick in the project left her feeling undervalued.

Little Bird Told Me

Meaning: Learning a piece of information from an undisclosed or secret source.

In a Sentence: A little bird told me that there might be a surprise party for your birthday.

It’s a Small World

Meaning: Expresses the idea that the world is interconnected and people are more closely related than one might think.

In a Sentence: Meeting a childhood friend in a distant country reminded me that it’s a small world after all.

Small Talk

Meaning: Casual and light conversation about unimportant or everyday matters.

In a Sentence: Engaging in small talk with colleagues helps create a friendly work environment.

In a Nutshell

Meaning: Summarizing something concisely; getting to the point.

In a Sentence: To put it in a nutshell, the project’s success hinges on effective teamwork.

Small Wonder

Meaning: Something that is not surprising due to being expected or obvious.

In a Sentence: Given her exceptional talent, her victory in the competition was a small wonder.

Short and Sweet

Meaning: Concise, to the point, and often enjoyable.

In a Sentence: The boss’s short and sweet speech boosted morale before the challenging project.

It’s the Little Things That Count

Meaning: Emphasizes the significance of small, meaningful gestures or details.

In a Sentence: In relationships, it’s often the little things that count the most.

Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Meaning: Searching for something extremely difficult to locate.

In a Sentence: Locating her lost earring in the sand was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Small Is Beautiful

Meaning: Embracing the idea that smaller, simpler things are often more attractive and desirable.

In a Sentence: The cozy, small cottage proved that small is indeed beautiful.

Small Fortune

Meaning: A considerable amount of money, but not an exorbitant one.

In a Sentence: Buying a vintage car may cost a small fortune, but the joy it brings is priceless.


Meaning: Having a narrow perspective or lacking open-mindedness.

In a Sentence: His small-minded approach to new ideas stifled creativity in the workplace.

Small Victory

Meaning: A minor or modest accomplishment, often in the face of adversity.

In a Sentence: Completing the marathon, even if not in record time, was a small victory for the determined runner.

Small Screen

Meaning: Refers to television or a device with a smaller display.

In a Sentence: While movies are captivating on the big screen, TV shows shine on the small screen at home.

Little White Lie

Meaning: A harmless or trivial lie told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.

In a Sentence: Sometimes, a little white lie is necessary to maintain harmony in relationships.

Small Hours

Meaning: Late at night or the early hours of the morning.

In a Sentence: She enjoyed the small hours of the day, finding peace in the quiet moments before dawn.

Small Town Mentality

Meaning: A narrow and conservative mindset often associated with residents of smaller communities.

In a Sentence: Moving to the bustling city opened her eyes to new perspectives, leaving behind the small town mentality.

Small Fish in a Big Pond

Meaning: Someone or something of little importance in a larger, more competitive environment.

In a Sentence: Starting as a junior employee, he felt like a small fish in a big pond in the corporate world.

Small Print

Meaning: The fine details or terms in a contract or document, often overlooked.

In a Sentence: Always read the small print before signing any agreement to avoid unexpected surprises.


Meaning: The quality of being narrow-minded or having a limited perspective.

In a Sentence: Small-mindedness hinders progress and innovation in a rapidly changing world.

Small Cogs in a Big Machine

Meaning: Individuals with minimal influence or importance in a large organization or system.

In a Sentence: Recognizing that we were just small cogs in a big machine motivated us to work together for a common goal.

Read More: Discover insightful metaphors illustrating simplicity here, or explore a variety of similes that beautifully convey the concept of simplicity here.


IdiomMeaningExample Sentence
Small FryLittle importance or significanceHe was just a small fry in the corporate world.
Small PotatoesInsignificant or unimportantOur arguments seem like small potatoes in the grand scheme.
Drop in the BucketInsignificant amount compared to a larger wholeDonating a dollar felt like a drop in the bucket.
A Dime a DozenCommon and easily found; not unique or valuableTalented writers seem like a dime a dozen on social media.
Bite-sizedSmall, easily digestible, or in a condensed formThe professor explained complex theories in bite-sized form.
Pocket-sizedCompact and small enough to fit in one’s pocketThe new smartphone boasts a powerful camera in a pocket-sized design.
Small ChangeNegligible amount of money or something insignificantFinding a penny on the street is just small change.
PeanutsVery small amount of money or something of little valueThe cost of repairing the old car turned out to be peanuts.
Short End of the StickReceiving less than one deserves or getting a disadvantageous outcomeBeing assigned the short end of the stick left her feeling undervalued.
Little Bird Told MeLearning information from an undisclosed or secret sourceA little bird told me there might be a surprise party for your birthday.
It’s a Small WorldExpresses the idea that the world is interconnected and people are closely relatedMeeting a childhood friend in a distant country reminded me that it’s a small world after all.
Small TalkCasual and light conversation about unimportant mattersEngaging in small talk with colleagues creates a friendly work environment.
In a NutshellSummarizing something concisely; getting to the pointTo put it in a nutshell, the project’s success depends on effective teamwork.
Small WonderSomething not surprising due to being expected or obviousHer victory in the competition was a small wonder given her exceptional talent.
Short and SweetConcise, to the point, and often enjoyableThe boss’s short and sweet speech boosted morale before the project.
It’s the Little Things That CountEmphasizes the significance of small, meaningful gestures or detailsIn relationships, it’s often the little things that count the most.
Like Finding a Needle in a HaystackSearching for something extremely difficult to locateLocating her lost earring in the sand was like finding a needle in a haystack.
Small Is BeautifulEmbracing the idea that smaller, simpler things are often more attractiveThe cozy, small cottage proved that small is indeed beautiful.
Small FortuneConsiderable amount of money, but not exorbitantBuying a vintage car may cost a small fortune, but the joy it brings is priceless.
Small-mindedHaving a narrow perspective or lacking open-mindednessHis small-minded approach stifled creativity in the workplace.
Small VictoryMinor or modest accomplishment, often in the face of adversityCompleting the marathon, even not in record time, was a small victory.
Small ScreenRefers to television or a device with a smaller displayMovies are captivating on the big screen, while TV shows shine on the small screen at home.
Little White LieHarmless or trivial lie told to avoid hurting someone’s feelingsSometimes, a little white lie is necessary to maintain harmony.
Small HoursLate at night or the early hours of the morningShe enjoyed the small hours of the day, finding peace before dawn.
Small Town MentalityA narrow and conservative mindset often associated with residents of smaller communitiesMoving to the city opened her eyes to new perspectives, leaving behind the small town mentality.
Small Fish in a Big PondSomeone or something of little importance in a larger, more competitive environmentStarting as a junior employee, he felt like a small fish in a big pond in the corporate world.
Small PrintThe fine details or terms in a contract or document, often overlookedAlways read the small print before signing any agreement.
Small-mindednessThe quality of being narrow-minded or having a limited perspectiveSmall-mindedness hinders progress and innovation.
Small Cogs in a Big MachineIndividuals with minimal influence or importance in a large organization or systemRecognizing that we were just small cogs in a big machine motivated us to work together.


As we wrap up our exploration of these pint-sized expressions, we’ve uncovered the rich tapestry woven into everyday language. Idioms for small not only add flavor to our conversations but also offer glimpses into the intricacies of human expression.

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